Tuesday, 2 December 2014

MEASUREMENT 4 (QSB 2125) / MEASUREMENT IV (QSB60404) Lecturer -Sr Chang Khong Thong

Module Synopsis

The module covers the measurement of bored piles, timber piles, steel piles, renovation and demolition works and various elements of external works. Introduction on the principles of specification writing, form of specification writing and their uses for the various trades.

Module Teaching Objectives

The teaching objectives of the module are:
1.To familarise with the nature of tendering process and contractual documentation.
2.The ability to locate, extract and analyse data from multiple sources including drawn information.
3.The ability to question standard practice, and to apply professional judgement in making recommendations and solving problems for future best practice. 

Module Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the module, we will be able to:
1.Recognize the items measurable for bored piles, timber piles, steel piles, renovation and demolition works, and various external works.
2.Distinguish and illustrate differences in writing-up descriptions in accordance to design changes for bored piles, timber piles, steel piles, renovation and demolition works, and various external works.
3.Evaluate the relationship between Specifications, Drawings and Bill of Quantities in Tender Documents for bored piles, timber piles, steel piles, renovation and demolition works, and various external works.
4.Generate a conceptual understanding of and the ability to competently carry out the preparation of the Bills of Quantities for bored piles, timber piles, steel piles, renovation and demolition works and various external works

Task undertaken
The assignment for this module is a group work assignment which we need to prepare bill of quantities , taking off and prepare tender document . The work are divided into element for us to measure on building work and external work .Whereas for tender document , we are also divided into few form for us to include into the tender document . The project we undertaken are proposed double storey terrace houses on lot 623 sublot 28 block 14 , sentah-segu land district at kuching - serian road.For the building work and external work element , I am responsible to prepare bill of quantities and taking for frame and  road and pavement. Besides, for tender document I am responsible for appendices . After the preparation of tender document , we are required to present our tender document

For the elemental cost analysis (ECA) week, we are given contract document from past project to prepare cost analysis on the similar project . We are required to study manual before we start analysis the element based on gross floor area. After preparing the ECA , we are required to present how we estimate on the overall project.

As a conclusion ,measurement 4 taught by respective lecturer, Sr. Chang Khong Thong. Sr. Chang is very good and kind lecturer where he conducted and arranged his classes well.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities
- Discipline Specific Knowledge
- Life Long Learning
- Digital Literacy
ESTIMATING (QSB 2134) Lecturer - Puan Azrina Md Yaakob

The objectives of this module is to develop refine skills relating to the build-up rate for various types of materials and elements covered in measurement modules. From here , we are able to built-up the rate for each material for us to price in for bill of quantities . Besides that , to develop an awareness of the nature, content, and significance of estimating to the construction projects. Furthermore, to develop awareness on the effect of different build-up rate components to the rate of materials and to appreciate the various methods of estimating and the factors involved in the preparation of estimating.

Module Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, i will be able to:
1. Identify, explain and distinguish the various terminology related to estimating, measurement and unit rates
including the objectives and various components of estimating, measurement and unit rates at different
stages of construction procurement.
2. Adopt a systematic approach to estimate the unit rates by considering and evaluating other factors
influencing the cost of the construction components and elements.
3. Analyze the factors influencing the cost of the construction components, elements and project including
pricing and preparation of tender on a measured work section of Bills of Quantities in a team or
4. Analysis and justify the goodness and errors of a tender result for continuous improvement.

Task undertaken

My first coursework is actually a group work which we need to study one of the chapter in this module that is cost data.  After understanding , we are required to present to other group members so they can understand more about cost data . Besides , from this coursework , we also need to learn how to built up rate in one of the element which is roof before we are able to teach other group member .

For the second coursework , we also form a group to carried up  a assignment regarding to project tendering for single storey show house. Throughout this assignment i am able to learn how to work as a team and contribute my work in order to have the same motive with my group member to finish this project . After tendering are submitted , we are required to present how we built up the rate and how to persuade our client to compete with other group member to win for the project. From here , i have learnt how the process tendering is going on before i step into construction field.

As a conclusion ,estimating is very important subject for this semester. This subject I learned cost estimation and calculation which made me very interested on it and also for QS profession. This subject taught by Ms Azrina. A good and helpful lecturer. She made her class interactive for us by given us coursework. Different week different topic taught by every group distributed.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilties
- Life Long Learning
- Discipline Specific Knowledge
- Communication Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
STRUCTURES (QSB 2523) Lecturer -Chai Voon Chiet

Module Teaching Objectives
The teaching objectives of the module are:
1. To provide student a continuation study of the development and understanding of basic concept of structures taken in construction technology.
2. To understand structural systems including foundations that essential and integral components of all buildings.
3. To establish a clear understanding of the physical behaviour of structural elements and complete systems.
4. To identify the structural principles and the knowledge gained is appropriately applied to ensure that there is a total integration of structural function and action with the overall design objectives.

Module Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, we will be able to:
1. Explain the action of structural elements and complete systems.
2. Recognize the perception of structure as an integral element of architecture.
3. Identify the problem encountered through the structure principles.
4. Interpret the application of the total integration of structural functions and actions with the overall      design objectives.
5. Analyse and provide pragmatic solutions to problems of a technological nature.
6. Plan all aspects of design, in collaboration with structural engineers of course, in order to realize their design concepts.

Task undertaken
This assignment is an individual assignment where I am required to measure shear force diagram and bending moment diagram.

As a conclusion ,structure was taught by Ir. Chai Voon Kiat. His professional knowledge made me have high respect for him but too technical and deep engineering. Fortunately I'm still available to catch up.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities

- Life long learning
- Thinking and problem solving

- Intrapersonal skill
- Digital literacy
Lecturer - Sr Chang Khong Thong 

Module Synopsis

This module provides an overview of professional and contractual responsibilities of a quantity surveyor in the consultant group from the design stage to the final account stage. It will focus on the importance of a clear understanding of the organization and administration of quantity surveyor practices and the legal and contractual procedures in relation to building procurement.

Module Teaching Objectives

The teaching objectives of the module are:
  1. To appreciate the role of quantity surveying profession in public and private sectors.
  2. To understand the appointment and the roles of quantity surveyor in the pre-contract and post-contract stage, tendering methods and procedures, evaluation and reporting of tenders and contract choices.
  3. To develop awareness of the provisions of the Standard Contract forms related to construction period, insurances, Liquidated and Ascertained Damages, performance bonds, retention sums and other clauses forming basis of contract.                                     
 Module Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the module, we will be able to:
1. Define the qualifications (academic and professional) required of a Quantity Surveyor, its professional Institution a Board.
2. Describe the duties of a Quantity Surveyor.
3. Identify the roles of various parties involved in the building team and their construction contracts and contractual obligations.
4. Define and prepare: (a) progress payment, (b) variation orders,(c) final accounts on completion of the contract works and (d) contract administration related to Prime Cost and Provisional Sum.
5. Evaluate the array of construction contracts between the client and the main contractor.

Task Undertaken
This module is to write a proposal report outlining the various arrangement to your friend who is unfamiliar with the construction industry. The report contains type of procurement method , type of contract and type of tendering which to make final recommendation based on reasoned argument on the best approach for this prestigious project.

As a conclusion , professional practice is important for QS profession. Professional practice 1 taught by Sr. Chang Khong Thong . He had massive experiences for QS life . The examples and situation he gave always understandable based on his past experiences like tendering process, contracting and so on.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities
-Life long learning
-Discipline specific knowledge
-Thinking and problem solving skill

Lecturer - Soon Lam Tatt
             - Habizah Sheikh ilmi

Module Synopsis
Software application for quantity surveying mainly provides students the basic knowledge on preparation of
quantities taking off, preparation of rate build up and preparation of bill of quantities by using QS computer

Module Teaching Objectives
The teaching objectives of the module are:
1. To develop student’s technical knowledge and practical computer skills required by future employers.
2. To use computing methods and new technologies with confidence over a range of appropriate software tools
and to respond quickly, effectively and efficiently in a constantly changing technological environment.
3. To become familiar with and be able to use speedy, reliable and accurate computerized data handling
software system for the construction industry which relies heavily on manual operations and the ability to
undertake project work in an individual or group context.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this module, i will be able to:
1. Make use of the appropriate software as a tool to complement their skills and knowledge in their discipline of
study for example in the preparation of Bills of Quantities, Estimating, Tendering and Progress Payments.
2. Distinguish the different types of software programs available in the market and their limitations in usage.
3. Generate and retrieve reports for decision making.
4. Implement cost control procedures to consider alternatives and make well-reasoned recommendations

Task Undertaken
From this module are required 2 assignment . For the first project are group assignment which we need to do research on different types of software program in the construction market and their limitation in usage . We are required to prepare a report to compare the functions and limitation of BIM QS computer software in the market and summaries our information and recommend the best BIM QS software . Besides that , we also required to compare benefits and constraints of Building Information Modelling (BIM), CAD Measurement and Manual that measured in :-

I. Preparation / Briefing Stage
II. Design Stage
III. Pre-construction Stage
IV. Construction Stage
V. Others

For the second assignment which is individual assignment that I am required to use buildsoft software to carried out my assignment . From this software I am required to prepare a bill of quantities for my element ,taking off and built-up the rate in order to price in for my element .

As a conclusion ,an invent of software for Quantity Surveyor made a lot of benefits. Software ease and reduce Quantity Surveyor's workload. For example, BIM model software; give big massive advantages to construction field nowadays. In this semester, Software application taught by Mr. Soon Lam Tatt and Ms. Habizah. Both lecturer were helpful and kind. The software we used were Cost X and Buildsoft. Cost X is more on modeling, building measurement include internal and external and Buildsoft is more on Bills of Quantities preparation, taking off and rate building. Both software were interesting and fun because this subject gave us chance to expose more on software for QS.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilties
- Life Long learning
- Digital literacy
- Discipline specific knowledge

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Building Service II (QSB 2714/BLD 60503) Lecturer - Mr Kam Kenn Jhun

Building Service II

The objective of Building Service II is to provide us information that related to mechanical and conditioning system, fire protection in the building , vertical transportation system, electricity and supply. Through this module, we are able to interpret the requirement and the function of  building services. Mr Kam Kenn Jhun is my lecturer for this module. He is a very responsible lecturer that guide and encourage us to refer to UBBL while preparing our assignment. This is because the UBBL requirement should be fulfill in order to act as safeguard to the occupant , create comfort zone to the consumer and etc

From this module we are required to select a building as a case study project. After we have done with our research , we had chosen Leisure Commence Square(LCS) as our project title. For the first part of this project is to describe purpose of the LCS. We have been going to LCS for site visit to discuss the existing types of system that install in this building . From the report we have stated the function , requirement , location of the existing type of system . Besides that , we also interviewed the LCS building service manager. From here i have learnt communicate skill with the manager and get to know more detail about building service. She have been giving us fruity of information that help us to complete our report . Furthermore , we have survey on this building to find out the problem and recommend the best system for this building. From this assignment my responsible is to recommend and justify for this building based on the UBBL requirement .The report have been attached below :

This module we also required to have presentation in order to present our work in further detail . From the presentation , i have develop skill in presenting from the report that i have done . On the other hand , presentation also help us to learnt presentation skill from other presenter that may be useful for our future and to built our career as Quantity Surveyor.

Management Science (MGT60203) Lecturer - Pn Azrina Binti Md Yaakob / Pn Mariatul Liza

Module Synopsis 

This module provides the background, theories, concepts and principles of management. It also explores the
various organisational characteristics, structure, behaviour and effectiveness of an organisation.

The students are introduced to decision making strategies, analysis tools and motivation concepts hence lead
the students to be an efficient and effective management personal.

Module Teaching Objectives 

The teaching objectives of the module are:

1. To understand management principles and to equip the students with a knowledge of its application in construction projects.

2. To develop awareness and understanding of the different types of management tools in the construction industry and to enhance employment prospectus.

3. Provide students with confidence in the understanding the procedures for strategy formulation and decision

Module Learning Outcomes 

Upon successful completion of this module, I will be able to:

1. Define the operation of different types of organisations in the construction industry.
2. Execute SWOT analysis for decision making.
3. Adopt competent communication skills.
4. Formulate their own management potential.

Video Presentation and Writing report 

1. This is a group project to enhance the student’s understanding on management science and its 
application in construction industry. 

2. To interpret the scope of work and changing context of managerial work for a manager. 

3. To formulate their own management potential. 

Multimedia Presentation 
For our project , we are 6 person in a group to complete a video presentation .We have been given our own topic that are related to management science which is communication . Our task is to prepare a quality video that covers everything about the topic given. (general overview, drama/storyline, conclusion) .For our this assignment there is no limits on the number of slides and videos but the we should prepare enough slides and video that is in between 9-10 minutes presentation. Our video is related barrier communication in construction . The barrier communication are noise, overload information , different language and emotional while receiving information from speaker. So in order to go through for more detail explanation , please review on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vzOn1nt6ps

Writing Report 

We are required to prepare a writing report for communication to apply in the construction 
industry. The requirement of this report should be in between 5000 to 6000 words. We have divided into few part for everyone to finish their own task. For my task i'm preparing patterns of communication among members of the design and construction team that had shown in the picture below:

Construction Technology 3 (BLD60304/QSB2514) Lecturer - Mr Chiew Seng Khoon

Module Synopsis

The module progresses through the stages of dewatering in basement excavation where water table is high above the basement  floor level; various types of retaining walls, drainage,  roadwork, common industrialized building systems, curtain walls for multi-storey commercial buildings, façade system, prestressing involving pretension and post-tension method, bridge construction, tension membrane roof and steel roof trusses.

Module Teaching Objectives

The teaching objectives of the module are:

1.To compile the processes involved at pre-construction stage in addition to the principles  and controls applied throughout the construction programme.

2.To indentify the methods of heavy/highway and building construction  and features  information on neconstruction technology.

3.To introduce the latest construction practices and processes for tall buildings from foundation to roof.

Module Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

1.Illustrate  most aspects of elementary construction with an insight into the techniques applied in large- scale development using standard steel sections and reinforced concrete.

2.Apply the methods, materials, equipment and systems used for the construction of tall 

3.Apply industrial methods which are mainly composed of factory produced components to a module or standard increment.

      Group Assignments

      This is a group assignment to write a report on any one  topic related to the module syllabus. Each group consist of 5 persons. For this group assignment , we have choose retaining wall as our project title. We have explain for 2 sub topic of retaining which is gabion wall and concrete retaining wall. Based on this two retaining wall , we manage to explain the purpose , requirement, pros and cons , installation , types and etc . After we have done explanation of this 2 sub topic , eventually we had do comparison in order to know how it function ,  which is suitable location for these retaining wall , when maintenance should be perform and best economical to choose the retaining wall. From this assignment I'm in charge of preparing comparison on both of this retaining wall and explanation for gabion wall under type , requirement and purpose. The picture below shown the work that i have done in this assignment:


 Individual Assignment
The objectives of this assignment are as follows:

1.Develop the ability to apply the complete constructional procedures of the 
various types of building with suitable materials and design

2.To illustrate each stage of the building and design process, with carefully labelled 
with the relevant technical terms.

Learning outcomes
On completion of this assignment, students will be able to:
1.To interpret the logical sequences of concepts and alternative construction practices, demonstrating the variation in  material application.
2.To explain the construction of buildings and the scientific principles which underpin the design and construction.

I'm required to prepare a booklet with 20 sketches / drawings based on some of the 
topics in my syllabus.

The picture below shown some example of the drawing that i have drawn: