Thursday, 26 November 2015


1.0 Acknowledgement
Specially thank to Ms Ding Li Min in assigning and guiding us throughout the project. She has given us this opportunity to produce this report and helped us by giving us information on how to proceed in order to complete the project on time.

2.0 Module Synopsis
This module is an elective module to expose us to the fundamental knowledge of leadership and managing project. The content of this module is important in understanding the concept and practices of leadership in leading the project. 

3.0 Module Teaching Objectives
This module aims to nurture and guide us towards the becoming exemplary and effective leader where are provided with the opportunities to learn and examine the nature of effective leadership style which suitable for the 21st century. Lastly, it is important to learn how to hand-on a project and stimulate real life experiences.  

4.0 Module Learning Outcomes
After completion of this module, I am able to
·         Effectively identify the strengths and characteristics of exemplary leadership traits.
·         Understand and practice key aspects of goal setting.
·         Understand and apply the principles involved in decision-making.
·         Plan and execute projects and adopt a pro-active approach in conflict management.

5.0 Group Assignment 
In this project, we are required to choose one of the topics to be organized that contribute to environment. Hence we had chosen the topic of ‘Haze Awareness Campaigns’ due to the issue of haze in Malaysia recently. We are assigned to carry the project in front of the Student Life Center at our campus. Throughout the process, we had attract most of the Taylorians to participate in our campaign and we had deliver the message of haze awareness in order to make up their mind and take into precaution to avoid those harm. Throughout this project, I have realized that a leader in a group is very important, without a good leading and managing in group, this project might not be successfully organized and ended with an unexpected result. 

Measurement 5 (QSB:60704)

Lecturer: Mr. Ramar & Mr. Simon Chee

1.0  Overview of module

This module have divided into 2 part which is Civil Engineering works (MYCESMM) which thought by Mr. Simon Chee and whereas Electrical , Plumbing and Mechanical Works (SMM2) which thought by Mr. Ramar. This module consist of one group assignment regarding to Earthwork and one mid-term test.


2.1 Discipline Specific Knowledge

I have learned the way of measuring the civil works such as site investigation work, geotechnical work, retaining wall, rail track, drainage work and so on. Besides that, I have also gained on the cold water installation, sanitary installation, electrical installation and etc. All these new knowledge is usefull for me in the near future.

2.2 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

During the group assignment, me and my group mate has contribute the best to solve the question. Hence , it required teamwork to solve the problem which we encountered during the group assignment.

2.3 Communication skills

This skill is enhanced from the group assignment. Communication skill is important, we are required to communicate to help each other to get insight on the calculation in term of the assumptions that we have made for our assignment to prevent any mistake.

In conclusion, to be a profession QS, it required skill in mastering the calculation as it is our basis or expertise to develop the best advice to our client in near future. 

1.0 Acknowledgement

Specially thank to my lecturer, Sr Lim Sek Cheon for assigning and guiding us through the project. He has given us this opportunity to produce this report and helped us understand more on the related matter on Professional Practice.

2.0 Module Synopsis

The module provides an overview of professional and contractual responsibilities of a Quantity Surveyor in the consultancy setup from the inception stage to the final account stage. It focus on the importance oa a clear understanding of the organization and contract administration of quantity surveying practices and the legal and contractual procedures in relation to built environment.

3.0 Module Teaching Objectives

1. To have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the administration of construction contracts and the application of particular contract clauses relating to the roles and responsibilities of the parties to the contract especially the Quantity Surveyor.

2. To develop awareness of the provisions of the Standard Contract forms related to valuation and certificates, instructions and variations, dayworks and final accounts, extension of time and loss and expense.

3. To interpret sub-contracts documents relating to roles and responsibility of the main contractor and subcontractors including the limits and constraint of such procedures

4.0 Module Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the module, I am able to:

1. Define the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in construction contracts in relation to particular clauses in the contract.

2. Explain the various construction contracts, its limitations and constraints and define issues in interpreting the contract clauses of construction contract

3. Describe team dynamics, power of teams and teamwork in construction contracts.


5.1 Discipline Specific Knowledge

The knowledge that I have gained from classroom is able to be transformed into my answers for the assignment. We were given a group assignment whereby we were required to be the in the Quantity Surveyor position to advice the client by giving assessment towards the condition that occurred in the construction industry.

5.2 Lifelong Learning

This module required students to be more independent and able to extract the information advice from the qualified Quantity Surveyor. To complete this assignment, we are required to do our own research and to identify the answer based on our analysis.

5.3 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

The group assignment given was not on the direct type. Hence we are required to think and come out with the solution in respond to answer our assignment question. Without a doubt, if there is no teamwork in carry out this assignment, the assignment would not be successfully done.

5.4 Interpersonal skills

In this module, one of our assignment is presentation, where all of us were grouped in a four. The purpose of having this presentation is for us to experience the way of sharing the knowledge that we were further research on the topic we presenting. We also required presenting out our understanding and answering the question raised by classmates or lecture. Through this, I realized the importance of working as a team to deliver the message to the course-mate.

Conclusion, QS is a profession in the construction industry where to advice the client in term of monetary, quality and time. Therefore, before advising the client, it required analysis on the entire situation which accordance with the contract in order to have more precise advice to the client.

1.0 Acknowledgement

Specially thank to my lecturer, Mr. Lai Chee Kin for assigning and guiding us through the project. He has given us this opportunity to produce this report and helped us understand more on the related matter on Financial Management.

2.0 Module Synopsis

This module introduces students to the principles and practices of financial management for a business. It emphasizes the core concepts from the point of view of a business manager trying to maximize the value of his or her firm. To that end, the topics covered include understanding financial reports, financialforecasting, capital structure and financing options, capital budgeting and managing working capital. In addition, the course stresses that important business decisions require inputs from all departments in a firm and are not the exclusive domain of the finance professional. Furthermore, stress is made that when striving to maximize the firm’s value, managers have a responsibility to behave within ethical constraints.

3.0 Module Teaching Objectives

The teaching objectives of the module are:

1. To understand the core principles and practices of financial management in maximizing the value of a firm.
2. To appraise capital investment proposals using various methods of capital budgeting.
3. To forecast and manage the cash flows of a business.
5.0 Module Learning Outcomes

4.0 Upon successful completion of this module, I am able to:

1. Read and interpret financial reports to understand the firm’s financial position and performance.
2. Be able to produce financial forecasts and construct budgets to plan and manage the firm’s
3. Understand the time value of money and apply capital budgeting techniques to evaluate capital
investment projects.
4. Be able to assess the financing needs of a business and evaluate the firm’s capital structure
5. Understand and apply the basic principles of managing working capital.


 5.1 Lifelong Learning

This module required me to be more independent and able to extract the information get from the account and analyze them effectively. For me, I have learnt how to extract the main points via the group assignment, where we were given word limits of 1,800 words to complete a comment in pro-forma income statement in order to advice a company.

5.2 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Thinking and problem solving skills are gained during the tutorial session when we are assigned to do our tutorial in front of the class. Lecturer has prompt us with few questions and this required us to think critically and creatively in order to provide the most effective answers to the questions.

5.3 Communication skills

During the tutorial session, we were required to communicate in a group to solve the question that has been assigned.

5.4 Interpersonal skills

We are able to practice our leadership skills, especially during the initial stage of the assignment. I have learnt how to distribute the assignment workload to my team member to carry out the assignment.

In conclusion, learning by taking new task is crucial in my career as Quantity Surveyor .As in the future , various unfamiliar task will be assigned and it depend on how we take it as a challenge to improve our career.

1.0 Acknowledgement

Specially thank to my lecturer, Dr Myzatul Aishah Binti Haji Kamarazaly for assigning and guiding us through the Research Methodology. She has given me this opportunity to produce this research and helped me to understand more on the related matter on the topic I chosen (Implementation of Lean Construction in the Construction Industry).

2.0 Module Synopsis

The module intends to introduce academic research and provide some in-depth understanding of their search methodology. The module covers the process and techniques of research, research design, identification of research areas and the preparation of research proposal. At the end of the course, we are able to identify issues, problems and areas of research, identify relevant data and information required for the research, develop data collection techniques, design research process and prepare research proposal.
Throughout the process we should be able to seek information from a variety of sources, open to new ideas and have the capacity for self-directed learning, look for alternative ideas and solutions, present information and express ideas clearly, effectively and confidently and act ethically with integrity and social responsibility.

3.0 Module Teaching Objectives

1. To develop awareness of the current local and global issues in the construction industry.
2. To explore the approaches to research.
3. To demonstrate a systematic and orderly mind to produce a viable academic research.

4.0 Module Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the module, I able to:
1. Identify issues/problems leading to the development of the subject area and objectives of research.
2. Review literatures.
3. Prepare a viable proposal for an academic research.

5.0 What I have gained from this module:

5.1  Lifelong Learning

This module required me to be more independent and able to extract the information from journals or other relevant sources to come out with a problem statement and background of our studies before proceeding to the objectives of the dissertation.

5.2 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

While reading journals, I was required to analyse them and think creatively and critically whether or not that journals or points extracted are useful. 

5.3 Intrapersonal Skills

No doubt, most of us are struggling with this interesting yet challenging module. I have made some self-reflection during the hard time in dealing with the individual assignment. Hence, time management is also very important to manage our time in dealing with the entire task given and complete with the specific time given.

In conclusion, a quality dissertation cannot be a good one without expert advice from the supervisor. Besides that, time management is crucial in order to complete a quality product when handling task compilation. 

1.0 Acknowledgement

Specially thank to my lecturer, Sr. Dianne Kok Hui Wei for assigning and guiding us through the project. She has given us this opportunity to produce this report and helped us understand more on the related matter on Building Economics.

2.0 Module Synopsis

This module provides an overview of the Quantity Surveyor’s role during the pre-tender stage of a development. I have been introduced to the practical situations of the various methods of controlling the cost of buildings at the design stage. I also had been introduced to the relationship between building morphology, design variables and life cycle costing of a building. I have been given the opportunity to learn and apply information technology in the cost planning.

3.0 Module Teaching Objectives

The teaching objectives of the module are:

1. To develop an awareness of the nature, content, and significance of cost control, cost planning and understand the roles of project teams towards fulfilling client needs.

2. To develop awareness of the effect of design variables in obtaining an economical design and to appreciate the role of the quantity surveyor in pre- and post-contract stages.

Module Learning Outcomes

4.0 Upon successful completion of this module, we will be able to:

1. Identify the role and responsibilities of Quantity Surveyors in the overall development process and to match the relationship between cost and design to a value outcome.

2. Explain various methods of pre-tender estimating.

3. Outline the importance of cost studies to enhance the role of Quantity Surveyor in the development process.

4. Produce an estimate at pre-tender stage, cost plan based on historical data and S-curve for financial planning to a proposed project


5.1 Discipline Specific Knowledge

The knowlegde that I have gained from classroom is then presented our group assignment in video.

5.2 Lifelong Learning

This module required me to be more independent and able to extract the information get from the qs profession. To complete this assignment, we are required to do extra study and outsourcing in order to produce a quality one.

5.3 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

This can be learned throughout the tutorial questions provided, where we were required to solve the questions in front of the class. So it enable my course-mate to correct me when I did mistake during my tutorial.

In conclusion, we are going to work in a project team. Hence, it is important for us to familiarize with the basic QS role and process and to be more socializing in the construction industry to upgrade ourselves in term of career perspective.