Thursday, 26 November 2015

Measurement 5 (QSB:60704)

Lecturer: Mr. Ramar & Mr. Simon Chee

1.0  Overview of module

This module have divided into 2 part which is Civil Engineering works (MYCESMM) which thought by Mr. Simon Chee and whereas Electrical , Plumbing and Mechanical Works (SMM2) which thought by Mr. Ramar. This module consist of one group assignment regarding to Earthwork and one mid-term test.


2.1 Discipline Specific Knowledge

I have learned the way of measuring the civil works such as site investigation work, geotechnical work, retaining wall, rail track, drainage work and so on. Besides that, I have also gained on the cold water installation, sanitary installation, electrical installation and etc. All these new knowledge is usefull for me in the near future.

2.2 Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

During the group assignment, me and my group mate has contribute the best to solve the question. Hence , it required teamwork to solve the problem which we encountered during the group assignment.

2.3 Communication skills

This skill is enhanced from the group assignment. Communication skill is important, we are required to communicate to help each other to get insight on the calculation in term of the assumptions that we have made for our assignment to prevent any mistake.

In conclusion, to be a profession QS, it required skill in mastering the calculation as it is our basis or expertise to develop the best advice to our client in near future. 

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